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No more facebook Disabled Facebook page of Atomic Butcher for GDPR compliance Still alive! Development continues :) Week-Long Sale on Steam! Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus is on sale this week The end is nigh! Butcher available on Steam! Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus is available on Steam Release Announcement: Mid September 2016! Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus will be unleashed in September 2016 Greenlit Thanks to all who voted for us We are on Steam Greenlight Yes, we did it! FIRST PLAYABLE DEMO RELEASED!!!111 The first playable demo is finally here Preparing for Steam Greenlight Getting all things together for Steam Greenlight AB:HM at Comic Con Austria Our booth at the Comic Con Austria Vienna Comix - Aftermath Revision of the past two days at the Comix in Vienna Teaser Trailer Our first teaser trailer featuring gameplay online First Draft of Main Menu First Draft of main menu Little Things Fighting With Unity, Cacodemons and Imps Today's struggle. Oh, and playing Doom. Website Revamp Finally, the new website is up.